Monday, September 7, 2009

Leadership Summit - Prayer Group

EFCC Leadership Summit in Fettes Park Baptist Church Penang
Prayer Champion Groups

Discussion Questions:

(1) What are your roles and key responsibilities as a Champion?

(a) To organize & mobilize prayer sessions.

(b) To be a role model in prayer to our own family members, church, and inter-church prayer meetings as well. It also includes reading and meditating on God’s Word consistently.

(c) To soak ourselves in prayer and to fast for prayer requests submitted to us.

(d) While praying and upon receiving any God-given vision or impression, we should mull over it and only release it according to God’s timing.

(e) We should stand united as Prayer Champions when somebody “shoots” or questions us on the above-mentioned vision or impression.

(f) We are to inform and release testimonies on answers to prayers. This is to enlighten and exhort our fellow brethren and prayer participants.

(g) To teach young Christians on how to pray and read the Bible.

(2) In what ways do you think the other champions can contribute to your role as a champion?

(a) The other Champions are to keep us updated on projects, programmes and events so that we can pray for them.

(b) To pray along and together with us.

(3) In what ways can you contribute to the effectiveness of the other champions?

(a) To provide them with a regular feedback on our activities and vice-versa

(b) To encourage them by praying for them, providing moral support and participating as a good team player.

(4) What support tools/resource would you need for you to serve effectively in your role.

(a) A computer and its paraphernalia

(b) Prayer and intercessory literature/cd’s

(c) Faithful, available and teachable Prayer Partners.

Note: Other Regional Prayer Champions, please feel free to add other relevant points I could have missed.GBU.

Submitted on behalf of the Prayer Champion Groups,

Aaron Siew
K2Shine Group
EFCC Kuantan

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dear friends,

Here are some pics of our first meeting on 4July, 2-3pm.
1. to survey areas of needs:

- dialysis centres (action: Sis Grace Low)

- General Hospital (action: Sis Christina Low)

2. our mindset as we approach this pioneering work is: "How can we serve you?"

3. to pray for God's specific direction as to which group to target

4. next meeting: later half of August

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Can I Grow as A Leader

Dear brothers and sisters,

Let's ponder on some excellent pointers from John Maxwell on Growing as a Leader.

  1. Successful leaders are learners. The learning process is ongoing, a result of self-discipline and perseverance.
  2. To lead tomorrow, learn today. Leadership is developed daily, not in a day; dictated by the Law of Process.

Let us be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our toil is not in vain in the Lord (1Cor 15:58).
